Do you stack your groceries like this?
Опубликованно 26.09.2020 13:50
But, the real challenge is when you get home and have to put it all away.
Everyone has a different approach when it comes to unpacking and loading their fridge or pantry with groceries, however one woman’s method has left her boyfriend so stunned, he had to share a snap on Reddit.
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A man shared a photo of the way his girlfriend ‘puts away the groceries’. Picture: Reddit/mildlyinfuriating
On getting home from her shopping trip, he claims his partner just whacks the bags in the panty, without unpacking them which has left fellow Reddit users equally shocked and infuriated.
“The way my GF ‘puts away the groceries’ still in the bag,” he captioned the post.
The image, which has attracted more than 2500 comments, shows three plastic bags still full of groceries occupying an entire shelf of a pantry.
“Hell no,” one Reddit user responded.
“Absolutely. This is a deal breaker,” another wrote.
Someone else asked: “How can a single picture make me so angry?”
“Laziness has reached a whole new level,” chimed in another.
However others saw the humour in it with one person joking, “There’s no other way, you have to throw the whole girlfriend away,” while another added, “How do you break up with someone else’s girlfriend?”
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It’s never fun putting away groceries, but perhaps a tag team approach helps?
The post, which was shared by Reddit user Midly Infruriating, had prompted others to share experiences of their own partner’s annoying habits.
“My wife throws trash in the sink. The can is literally under the sink,” one man vented.
“I had a roommate who does this when putting stuff in the fridge, and then proceeding to forget what they bought and never cared to check what’s in the opaque plastic bags, so they double purchase the next time and let the old stuff rot.”
What do you think about this woman’s grocery method? Tell us in the comments below.
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